Our Work
Project Summary

Getting CarbonWorks' Marketing to Work

CarbonWorks' website old website existed for over ten years without delivering a single lead. Thanks to a website revamp and rebrand with Lead Marketing, CarbonWorks has steadily expanded across the United States and into Canada from its home base in Florida.

Brand Transformation

The CarbonWorks rebrand presented two problems: One, CarbonWorks’ products didn’t (and still don’t) fit in any familiar industry category. Two, the effectiveness of CarbonWorks’ products is driven by how they work. But no one wants to digest massive amounts of technical information from a virtual firehose. Therefore, we refocused CarbonWorks’ messaging and branding to match the vision that drives the company’s founder to expand the boundaries of crop nutrition: A sincere desire to secure a brighter future for farmers through increased yields and productivity.

CarbonWorks Brand Transformation

Website Contents

Almost every company selling agronomic products to farmers promises yield increases (ROI). Very few of these companies actually make an effort to explain how their products function. Lead Marketing designed the CarbonWorks website to guide farmers from a high-level overview of each product down to the microscopic functions of each product in the soil. Separate pages with crop-specific agronomy plans give farmers another way to discover which CarbonWorks products will work best for their operations. 

CarbonWorks Website Contents

Page layouts that guide farmers from high-level overview down to the microscopic functions of each product in the soil.

Separate Pages for Crop-Specific Agronomy Plans

Branded Videography

One of CarbonWorks’ main goals is to share its knowledge with growers across the United States so that everyone can benefit from increased farm productivity and soil health. To facilitate this, Lead Marketing shot several informational videos that demonstrate the effectiveness of CarbonWorks’ products. And photography from the company’s research trials completes the picture for farmers who are searching for products that will improve their farms’ soil health and yield potential.


CarbonWorks has steadily expanded across the United States and into Canada from its home base in Florida. CarbonWorks’ web presence was particularly important for breaking into the conventional (corn & soybean) market in the Midwest. Check out the CarbonWorks website at: www.carbonworks.com.